1 (satu) sisi penerimaan /penyimpanan buah yang mempunyai 10 bays deng 번역 - 1 (satu) sisi penerimaan /penyimpanan buah yang mempunyai 10 bays deng 영어 말하는 방법

1 (satu) sisi penerimaan /penyimpan

1 (satu) sisi penerimaan /penyimpanan buah yang mempunyai 10 bays dengan
10 corong dan mempunyai data2 teknik sbb :
- Masing2 bay mempunyai kapasitas 20 ton TBS.
- Tiang2 dibuat dari besi IWF dengan ukuran2 yang sesuai.
- Balok penyokong dibuat dari besi UNP akan membuat unit bersudut 25 terhadap garis horizontal.
- Pelat dinding dibuat dari besi pelat setebal 6 mm dan diperkuat dengan besi siku 60 x 60 x 6 mm.
- Dasar dari Ramp dibuat dari besi pelat tebal 6 mm dan rangka besi siku.
- Pelat peluncur buah ke conveyor dibuat dari ms. Plate tebal 6 mm,pelat.
- Setiap bay beroperasi dengan sistem gravitasi apabila pintu dibuka.
- Setiap pintu dioperasikan dengan sistem hidrolik dimana sistem hidrolik digerakkan dengan 7.5 Hp motor listrik melalui pompa hidrolik dan katup kontrol.
- Katup2 kontrol akan dipasang dalam beberapa kelompok diatas catwalk pada tempat yang sesuai untuk memudahkan pengoperasian pintu.
- Untuk pengoperasian dua set loading ramp akan disediakan 2 (dua) buah pompa hidrolik.
- Dua set platform akan dipasang sepanjang penimbunan buah lengkap dengan pagar dari pipa hitam 1”.
- Platform ditutup dari expanded metal dan dilengkapi dengan tangga dimana perlu.
다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
one (1) side of acceptance of/penyimpanan fruit has 10 bays with 10 funnel and has engineering, sbb data2:-Masing2 bay has a capacity of 20 tonnes of FFB.-Tiang2 made of iron with the IWF ukuran2 accordingly.Beams UNP supporter, made of iron will create a unit focused on horizontal lines instead of 25.Wall plates made of iron plates of 6 mm thick and reinforced with iron elbow 60 x 60 x 6 mm.-The basis of Ramp built from steel plate thick 6 mm steel frame and elbow.-Fruit Plate Launcher to the conveyor made of Ms. Plate thickness 6 mm plate.-Each bay operates by gravity system when the door is opened.-Each door is operated by a hydraulic system driven by hydraulic system where 7.5 Hp electric motor through a hydraulic pump and valve control.-Katup2 control is to be installed in several groups on the catwalk at the appropriate place to facilitate the operation of the door.-For operation of two sets of loading ramps will be provided with 2 (two) pieces of hydraulic pumps.-Two sets of platforms will be installed along the fence complete with fruit comes from a black pipe 1 ".Closed-Platform of expanded metal and equipped with a ladder where necessary.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
1 (one) side of the reception / storage of fruit that has 10 bays with
10 funnels and have data2 following techniques:
- Masing2 bay has a capacity of 20 tonnes of FFB.
- Tiang2 made ​​of iron with ukuran2 appropriate IWF.
- Beams made ​​of iron UNP supporter will making unit 25 angle to the horizontal.
- Plates walls made ​​of iron plate 6 mm thick and reinforced with angle iron 60 x 60 x 6 mm.
- The basis of the Ramp is made ​​of 6 mm thick steel plate and frame brackets.
- Plates launcher fruit to the conveyor is made ​​of ms. 6 mm thick plate, plate.
- Each bay operates with gravity system when the door is opened.
- Each door is operated by a hydraulic system in which hydraulic system is driven by 7.5 hp electric motor through hydraulic pumps and control valves.
- Katup2 control will be installed in some of the aforementioned groups catwalk at a suitable place to facilitate the operation of the door.
- For the operation of two sets of loading ramp will provide two (2) pieces of the hydraulic pump.
- Two sets of platforms will be installed along the fence hoarding pieces of pipe complete with black 1 ".
- Platform closed from expanded metal and equipped with a ladder where necessary.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
다른 언어
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