- Jumlah : 3 (tiga) units + 1 (satu) spare  - Make : Malaysia / Indone 번역 - - Jumlah : 3 (tiga) units + 1 (satu) spare  - Make : Malaysia / Indone 영어 말하는 방법

- Jumlah : 3 (tiga) units + 1 (satu

- Jumlah : 3 (tiga) units + 1 (satu) spare
- Make : Malaysia / Indonesia
Masing – masing digester (ketel adukan) mempunyai kapasitas 3.500 liter tanpa steam jacket.
Badan ketel adukan dibuat dari besi plat baja karbon dengan tebal 12 mm dan dilengkapi tulang – tulang baja penguat hingga tahan terhadap tekanan press percobaan sebesar 6 kg/cm2 (manometer) dan plat atas samping ketel adukan dibuat dari mild steel dengan tebal 9 mm dan plat dasar dibuat dari mild steel tebal 3 mm dipasang dengan konstruksi yang mudah dibuka untuk penggantian.
Poros pengaduk dibuat dari besi empat segi yang dilengkapi dengan pisau – pisau pengaduk dari high wear resistance steel.
Bagian luar ketel rebusan diisolasi dengan rock wool 80 kg/m3 dan plat aluminium tebal 0.8 mm yang terpaku pada cincin batang penguat yang dilas pada ketel adukan.
Masing – masing ketel adukan dilengkapi dengan :
- 1 (satu) buah Pintu lengkap dengan corong pengeluaran ke screw press dan
dilengkapi dengan pengatur pengeluaran dan pintu kontrol/
- 1 (satu) buah Pengukur tempertur dia. 0” range 0-150oC.
- 1 (satu) unit Motor listrik sebagai penggerak yang melalui coupling dan gear

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다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
-Number: 3 (three) units of a 1 (one) + spare -Make: Malaysia/IndonesiaEach typical analysis for digester (digester) has a capacity of 3,500 litres without steam jacket.The digester made of iron plate carbon steel with thickness 12 mm and feature a steel amplifier bone bones – resistant to pressure to press a trial of 6 kg/cm2 (manometer) and top plate side of the digester made of mild steel with a thickness of 9 mm and the base plate is made of 3 mm thick mild steel fitted with an easily opened for the construction of a replacement.Stirrer shaft is made of iron, the four establishments equipped with knife-blade stirrer of high wear resistance steel.The outside of the kettle boiled isolated with rock wool 80 kg/m3 and an aluminum plate thickness 0.8 mm which is fixed on the booster rods welded rings in the digester.Each digester is equipped with: -1 (one) piece Door complete with spending to funnel screw press and equipped with a timer and door control spending/ examination. -1 (one) piece Measuring tempertur he 0 "range 0-150oC. -1 (one) unit of Electric Motor as driving through the coupling and gear box.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
- Total: 3 (three) units + 1 (one) spare
- Make: Malaysia / Indonesia
Each - each digester (kettle mortar) has a capacity of 3,500 liters without steam jacket.
Body is made ​​of an iron kettle slurry of carbon steel plate with 12 mm thick and equipped bones - bone reinforcing steel to withstand the pressure of press trial of 6 kg / cm2 (manometer) and a plate on the side kettle mortar made ​​of mild steel with a thickness of 9 mm and a base plate made ​​of mild steel 3 mm thick fitted with easy-open construction for reimbursement.
stirrer shaft made ​​of iron four terms which are equipped with a knife - blade stirrer of high wear resistance of steel.
The outside of the kettle stew isolated with rock wool of 80 kg / m3 and 0.8 mm thick aluminum plate that is glued to the ring welded reinforcing rod on mixing kettle.
Each - each mixing kettle equipped with:
- 1 (one) Door complete with funnel spending to screw press and
equipped with a regulator expenditure and door control /
- 1 (one) estimator tempertur him. 0 "range 0-150oC.
- 1 (one) unit of the electric motor as the driving force through the coupling and gear

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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