PENGUMUMAN LELANG NO. : 0595/LL/E12420/2016 Bersama ini diumumkan Lela 번역 - PENGUMUMAN LELANG NO. : 0595/LL/E12420/2016 Bersama ini diumumkan Lela 영어 말하는 방법



NO. : 0595/LL/E12420/2016

Bersama ini diumumkan Lelang Pengadaan Barang untuk PT Pertamina Refinery Unit II Dumai, dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:

A Lingkup Pekerjaan
1.Nama Barang : Tanah Timbun Pilihan (qty Maks. 80.000 M3 Klasifikasi Tanah Golongan A-2 dengan
kekuatan Baik Sekali sampai Baik mengacu AASHTO)

B Persyaratan Perusahaan
1.Perusahaan yang sudah atau belum terdaftar di PT. Pertamina (Persero); SKT atau Non SKT
2.Bidang Usaha : Pengadaan Barang
3.Kualifikasi : M (Menengah)
4.Sub Bidang : P.02.10 (Peralatan/ bahan bangunan/ tanki, bahan metal/ bukan metal, tali baja,
rantai, bahan kemasan, bahan pengikat dan kelengkapannya).

C Waktu dan Tempat Pendaftaran
1.T a n g g a l : 24 Oktober 2016 s/d 26 Oktober 2016
2.Tempat Pendaftaran : Sekretariat Lelang Pengadaan Barang PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai
Jalan Kilang Putri Tujuh Dumai – Riau Kode Pos 28815 Fax: 0765 34993 / 38021

D Persyaratan Pendaftaran

Pada saat pendaftaran, baik Perusahaan SKT dan Non SKT, diharuskan melengkapi/menyerahkan dokumen prakualifikasi sebagai berikut:
1.Permohonan tertulis sebagai peserta Lelang yang ditandatangani oleh Direktur/Wakil Direktur yang tercantum pada Akte Pendirian Perusahaan atau Akte Perubahan Terakhir (bila ada).
2.Khusus bagi penyedia barang yang sudah memiliki Surat Keterangan Terdaftar (SKT) PT. Pertamina (Persero) wajib melampirkan copy dokumen SKT tersebut.
3.Copy Surat Ijin Tempat Usaha (SITU), Surat Keterangan Domisili.
4.Copy Surat Pengukuhan Pengusaha Kena Pajak (SPPKP) & Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP).
5.Copy Surat Ijin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP), Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (TDP).
6.Copy Bukti pembayaran pajak tahun terakhir (SPT Tahun 2015)
7.Asli Referensi Bank
8.Asli Susunan Kepemilikan Modal dan Susunan Pengurus Perusahaan (dibuat dalam Kop Surat Perusahaan).
9.Copy Neraca Perusahaan 1 tahun terakhir yang telah diaudit oleh Akuntan Publik disertai opini.
10.Copy Akte Pendirian perusahaan beserta perubahannya yang telah mendapatkan pengesahan dari Departemen Kehakiman.
11.Copy Berwarna Kartu Tanda Pengenal (KTP) Pengurus Perusahaan.
12.Asli Surat Pernyataan bahwa Penyedia Barang tidak sedang bersengketa di Pengadilan dan tidak sedang bermasalah atau mendapat sanksi dari PT. Pertamina (persero) bermeterai Rp. 6.000,-
13.Asli Pakta Integritas bermeterai Rp. 6.000,-
14.Asli surat pernyataan diatas meterai bahwa semua informasi yang disampaikan adalah benar, apabila ditemukan ketidak sesuaian atas informasi yang disampaikan, dikenakan sanksi administrasi pencabutan/pembatalan SKT.
15.Copy Surat Kepemilikan Tanah bersertifikat yang dikeluarkan dan dilegalisir oleh Badan Pertanahan Nasional. Lokasi Tanah Timbun berada dalam radius maksimum 30 km dari Kilang Pertamina RU II Dumai.
16.Surat Pernyataan Asli bermeterai dari Pemilik Tanah yang menyatakan kesediaan menjual tanahnya melalui calon Penyedia Barang (bila Penyedia Barang mengambil sumber tanah timbun bukan milik sendiri).
17.Surat Pernyataan bahwa Penyedia Barang sanggup dan dapat menyampaikan Surat Izin Usaha Pertambangan Batuan dari pejabat yang berwenang Ref. PP No. 23 Tahun 2010 paling lama 10 (sepuluh) hari kerja setelah diumumkan sebagai Pemenang Lelang dan bersedia menerima sanksi administrasi dari Pertamina bila tidak dapat memenuhi ketentuan tersebut

Ketentuan Lain

1.Bagi pendaftar, jika yang mengajukan bukan selaku Direktur Utama, maka yang mewakili harus didukung dengan surat kuasa bermeterai yang dibuat khusus untuk keperluan ini.
2.Proses Lelang ini berpedoman pada SK-043/C00000/2015-S0 tanggal 08 Oktober 2015 dan Panitia berhak menolak pendaftaran yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan administrasi dan atau di luar waktu yang telah ditentukan.
3.Hasil Evaluasi prakualifikasi akan diumumkan di papan pengumuman resmi Pengadaan Barang Refinery Unit II Dumai, dan hanya perusahaan yang lulus prakualifikasi yang akan diundang mengikuti proses pelelangan selanjutnya.

F Tata Cara Pendaftaran
1.Langsung ke Sekretariat atau dengan melalui email ke,, dengan menyerahkan dokumen seperti pada item D diatas.
2.Semua dokumen seperti pada item D paling lambat sudah harus diterima oleh Sekretariat tanggal 27 Oktober 2016.
3.Bila diperlukan informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Panitia Pelelangan di Telepon: 0765 – 443515 / 443541.
4.Pengumuman dapat dilihat di website PT. Pertamina (Persero) (

Demikian untuk diketahui, atas perhatiannya diucapkan terima kasih.

다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
AUCTION ANNOUNCEMENT No.: 0595/LL/E12420/2016 The auction was announced along with the procurement of goods for PT Pertamina Refinery Unit II Damai, with the following conditions: A Scope Of Work 1. Name of goods: ground Cover option (qty Max. 80,000 M3 of soil Classification in Group A-2 with the power of Good all until Both refer to AASHTO) B The Requirements Of Companies 1. A company that is already registered or not in pt. Pertamina (Persero); SKT or SKT Non2. Line of business: procurement of goods3. Qualifications: M (Medium)4. Sub fields: p. 27 (equipment/building materials/metal, material/tank instead of metal, steel, rope chain, binding materials, packaging materials and trimmings). C the time and place of registration 1. T a n g g a l: 24 October 2016 s/d October 26, 2016 2. Place of registration: Secretariat Procurement Auction PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Damai Seven Daughter Refinery road Damai – Riau 28815 postal code Fax: 0765 34993/38021 D Admission Requirements At the time of registration, either Companies SKT and Non SKT, are required to complete/submit prequalification documents as follows:1. a written Application as a bidder that is signed by the Director/Deputy Director listed on the Statute of the company or the last Change Certificate (if any).2. For manufacturers that already have the Affidavits listed (SKT) of PT. Pertamina (Persero) is required to attach a copy of the document the SKT.3. The business place license of letter (SITU), Domicile Affidavits.4. Copy of a letter of endorsement Taxable Entrepreneur (SPPKP) & Staple Taxpayer Number (NPWP).5. Copy of Business License (SIUP), Trade Mark Company List (TDP).6. Copy of proof of payment of taxes last year (SPT 2015)7. Original Bank Reference8. The original arrangement of the Ownership of capital and the arrangement of Corporate Trustees (made in the Letterhead of the company).9. Copy of the balance sheet of the company last year have been audited by public accountant accompanied by opinions.10. Copy of the company Certificate along with the changes that have earned the endorsement of the Department of Justice.11. The colored Identification Card Copy (KTP) Executive Board of the company.12. The original Affidavit that the Suppliers are not in dispute in the courts and not being troubled or have a sanction of PT. Pertamina (persero) Rp. 6,000.0-legal13. The integrity Pact Original legal 6,000.0-Rp.14. Original affidavit above the seal that all information submitted is true, if found inconsistent rendering over information that is submitted, the Administration penalized revocation/cancellation of SKT.15. Copy of land ownership certified Letter being issued and the national land Agency by legalised. Location of Ground Piles located within a radius of maximum 30 km from Pertamina's refinery RU II Damai.16. The original Affidavit of legal land owners expressed willingness to sell land through prospective providers of goods (Goods Providers when retrieving the source ground piles is not his own).17. Waiver that Manufacturers able to and can convey Letters Rock from Licences the competent authority REF. gr No. 23 of 2010 most 10 (ten) working days after being announced as the winner of the Auction and is willing to accept the sanction of administration of Pertamina when unable to comply with the E Other Provisions 1. For the registrant, if the filing is not as Director, then representing should be supported with legal power of Attorney that is made specifically for this purpose.2. the auction process is based on SK-043/C00000/2015-S0 date 01 January 2015 and the organizers reserve the right to reject registrations that do not meet the requirements of the administration or outside of time.3. The results of the evaluation of prequalification will be announced in the official bulletin board Procurement Refinery Unit II Damai, and only companies that pass prequalification which will be invited to follow the process in the next auction. F Registration Ordinance 1. Directly to the Secretariat or via email to,, by submitting documents as in item D above.2. All documents as in item D the slowest must be received by the Secretariat on 27 October 2016.3. When needed more information can contact the organizers of the auction on the phone: 0765 – 443515/443541.4. Announcements can be found at the website of PT. Pertamina (Persero) ( So to be known, upon noticing pronounced thanks.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]

NO. : 0595 / LL / E12420 / 2016

Joint Procurement Auctions announced for PT Pertamina Refinery Unit II Dumai, with the following conditions:

A Scope of Work
1.Nama Goods: Land stockpiling options (qty Max. 80,000 M3 Soil Classification Class A-2 with
strength Very Good to Good referring AASHTO)

B Company Terms
1.Perusahaan who has or has not registered in the PT. Pertamina (Persero); Non SKT SKT or
2.Bidang Business: Procurement
3.Kualifikasi: M (Medium)
4.Sub Sector: P.02.10 (Hardware / building materials / tanks, metal / non metal, steel ropes,
chains, packaging materials, ingredients binders and accessories).

C Time and Place
1.T Anggal: October 24, 2016 s / d October 26, 2016
2.Tempat Registration: Secretariat Procurement Auctions PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai
Jalan Kilang Putri Tujuh Dumai - Riau Postal 28 815 Fax: 0765 34993/38021

D Admission Requirements

At enrollment, the Company SKT and Non SKT, are required to complete / submit prequalification documents as follows:
1.Permohonan written as an auction participant signed by the Director / Deputy Director listed in the Articles of Association or Articles of Last Change (if any).
2.Khusus for suppliers who already have the Registration Certificate (SKT) PT. Pertamina (Persero) must attach a copy of the document SKT.
3.Copy Permit Place of Business (AIS), Certificate of Domicile.
Letter 4.Copy VAT collector (SPPKP) & Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).
5.Copy Business License (SIUP), Company Registration (TDP).
6.Copy tax receipt of the last year (SPT 2015)
7.Asli Bank Reference
8.Asli Capital Ownership Structure and composition of the Company (made in the Company Letterhead).
9.Copy Company Balance 1 year, audited by a public accountant with opinions.
10.Copy Deed companies and amendments that have been approved by the Department of Justice.
Colored 11.Copy Identification Card (KTP) the Company's Management.
12.Asli Statement that the manufacturer: not dispute in court and not being troubled or sanctioned from PT. Pertamina (Persero) stamped Rp. 6000, -
13.Asli Integrity Pact stamp duty of Rp. 6000, -
14.Asli letter seal the above statement that all information submitted is true, if found discrepancies on the information submitted, subject to administrative sanction of revocation / cancellation of SKT.
15.Copy Land Ownership certified letter issued and certified by the National Land Agency. Location Land timbun are in a maximum radius of 30 km from Dumai refinery Pertamina RU II.
First Statement 16.Surat stamped from Land Owners who expressed a willingness to sell their land through prospective providers of goods (when manufacturer: take the land resource timbun not your own).
17.Surat statement that the Provider of Goods capable and can deliver rock Mining Business Permit from the competent authority Ref. PP No. 23 of 2010 a maximum of 10 (ten) business days after the auction was announced as the winner and be willing to accept the administrative sanction of Pertamina if it can not meet these conditions


1.Bagi registrant, if the filing is not as Director, then that represents should be supported with the power of attorney stamped created specifically for this purpose.
This auction 2.Proses guided by the SK-043 / C00000 / 2015-S0 dated October 8, 2015 and the committee reserves the right to refuse to register that do not comply with administrative or outside the specified time.
Prequalification Evaluation 3. Results will be announced on the official notice board Procurement Unit II Dumai Refinery, and the only company that passed the prequalification will be invited to follow the subsequent auction process.

F Registration Procedures
1.Langsung to the Secretariat or by email to,, to submit documents as in item D above.
2. All documents such as the slowest D item must be received by the Secretariat on 27 October 2016.
3. When necessary further information can contact the Procurement Committee at Phone: 0765-443515 / 443541.
4.Pengumuman can be viewed at the website of PT. Pertamina (Persero) (

Likewise for the unknown, for your attention, thank you.

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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