NO. : 0595 / LL / E12420 / 2016
Joint Procurement Auctions announced for PT Pertamina Refinery Unit II Dumai, with the following conditions:
A Scope of Work
1.Nama Goods: Land stockpiling options (qty Max. 80,000 M3 Soil Classification Class A-2 with
strength Very Good to Good referring AASHTO)
B Company Terms
1.Perusahaan who has or has not registered in the PT. Pertamina (Persero); Non SKT SKT or
2.Bidang Business: Procurement
3.Kualifikasi: M (Medium)
4.Sub Sector: P.02.10 (Hardware / building materials / tanks, metal / non metal, steel ropes,
chains, packaging materials, ingredients binders and accessories).
C Time and Place
1.T Anggal: October 24, 2016 s / d October 26, 2016
2.Tempat Registration: Secretariat Procurement Auctions PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai
Jalan Kilang Putri Tujuh Dumai - Riau Postal 28 815 Fax: 0765 34993/38021
D Admission Requirements
At enrollment, the Company SKT and Non SKT, are required to complete / submit prequalification documents as follows:
1.Permohonan written as an auction participant signed by the Director / Deputy Director listed in the Articles of Association or Articles of Last Change (if any).
2.Khusus for suppliers who already have the Registration Certificate (SKT) PT. Pertamina (Persero) must attach a copy of the document SKT.
3.Copy Permit Place of Business (AIS), Certificate of Domicile.
Letter 4.Copy VAT collector (SPPKP) & Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).
5.Copy Business License (SIUP), Company Registration (TDP).
6.Copy tax receipt of the last year (SPT 2015)
7.Asli Bank Reference
8.Asli Capital Ownership Structure and composition of the Company (made in the Company Letterhead).
9.Copy Company Balance 1 year, audited by a public accountant with opinions.
10.Copy Deed companies and amendments that have been approved by the Department of Justice.
Colored 11.Copy Identification Card (KTP) the Company's Management.
12.Asli Statement that the manufacturer: not dispute in court and not being troubled or sanctioned from PT. Pertamina (Persero) stamped Rp. 6000, -
13.Asli Integrity Pact stamp duty of Rp. 6000, -
14.Asli letter seal the above statement that all information submitted is true, if found discrepancies on the information submitted, subject to administrative sanction of revocation / cancellation of SKT.
15.Copy Land Ownership certified letter issued and certified by the National Land Agency. Location Land timbun are in a maximum radius of 30 km from Dumai refinery Pertamina RU II.
First Statement 16.Surat stamped from Land Owners who expressed a willingness to sell their land through prospective providers of goods (when manufacturer: take the land resource timbun not your own).
17.Surat statement that the Provider of Goods capable and can deliver rock Mining Business Permit from the competent authority Ref. PP No. 23 of 2010 a maximum of 10 (ten) business days after the auction was announced as the winner and be willing to accept the administrative sanction of Pertamina if it can not meet these conditions
1.Bagi registrant, if the filing is not as Director, then that represents should be supported with the power of attorney stamped created specifically for this purpose.
This auction 2.Proses guided by the SK-043 / C00000 / 2015-S0 dated October 8, 2015 and the committee reserves the right to refuse to register that do not comply with administrative or outside the specified time.
Prequalification Evaluation 3. Results will be announced on the official notice board Procurement Unit II Dumai Refinery, and the only company that passed the prequalification will be invited to follow the subsequent auction process.
F Registration Procedures
1.Langsung to the Secretariat or by email to,, to submit documents as in item D above.
2. All documents such as the slowest D item must be received by the Secretariat on 27 October 2016.
3. When necessary further information can contact the Procurement Committee at Phone: 0765-443515 / 443541.
4.Pengumuman can be viewed at the website of PT. Pertamina (Persero) (
Likewise for the unknown, for your attention, thank you.
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